We are blessed at St Agatha's parish to be filled with young members in our community. Children, teenagers and young adults are an integral part of our Parish and we warmly welcome their participation. 

The main goal of youth ministry is to help young people grow spiritually. This is done through activities like Bible studies and prayer sessions, which provide a strong foundation in faith. These activities help young people explore and deepen their relationship with their faith and helping them grow in their spiritual understanding.  

View the embedded image gallery online at:


YOUTH GROUPS:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Invigorate Junior [Age 12-14], Invictus [18+] are the youth groups in our Parish. The youth groups provide and opportunity for young people to grow in their faith, whilst being surrounded by other like-minded people and having fun at the same time.

We cover different topics about the faith and unpack these topics through activities, games, testimonies and more!

Invigorate Junior [Age 12+]  meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month 12noon to 2.30pm after 10.45am Youth Mass.

Invictus [18+]  meet on the 1st Sunday of the month 12noon to 2.00pm after 10.45am Youth Mass.

If you would like to know more please contact Parish Office on 5996 1985. 


Youth Group Registration



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St. Agatha’s Parish, Cranbourne -  Parental/Guardian Consent Form 

I consent to my child attending the St Agatha's Youth Group

I further consent to a photograph or video image of my child being taken and used without acknowledgement, remuneration or compensation, in publications (print, websites, social media, DVDs, CDs, etc) and/or presentations of St Agatha’s Parish and the Catholic Diocese of Sale or its parishes. [Please write a message below if you do not permit your child to be photographed or videoed] 

In the event of any emergency and you are unable to communicate with me or my nominated emergency contacts, I consent to my child receiving such medical or surgical treatment (including the administration of an anaesthetic) by a registered medical practitioner as may be deemed necessary and I agree that any such treatment shall be at my expense. 

I have informed St Agatha’s Parish of any allergies or other medical conditions of my child. I shall make any necessary medication available in its original packaging placed in a bag/box clearly marked with my child’s name, dosage of medication, times of administration, manner of administration and whether the medication needs to be refrigerated. I or my nominee shall personally hand over such medication and instructions to the organisers. I shall ensure that such medication shall not have passed its expiry date.  

I hereby give my consent to the administration of such medication to my child as stated above. 

In the event that I am unable to pick up my child after the meetings, I shall inform the organisers of the identity of the person authorized to pick up my child.

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