Tina Dam

Tina Dam

Wednesday, 18 December 2024 11:20


Christmas timetable

Friday, 29 November 2024 10:04


Bishop Greg has shared a Christmas message for the Diocese of Sale. 

Click HereBishop Greg Bennet



Tuesday, 26 November 2024 11:11


St Agatha's Choirs celebrated Mass and dinner on Friday 22nd November the feast of St Cecilia, patron of musicians.





Wednesday, 02 October 2024 15:13


Sacrament dates 2025 website

Wednesday, 14 August 2024 12:11


PPCSt Agatha's new Parish Pastoral Council team, commissioned at 9.00am on Sunday. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the newly appointed members: Sr. Faustina, Mrs Michelle Bruitzman (Principal, St Agatha’s School), Mrs Meegan Blackney (Assistant Principal, St Agatha's school), Mrs Felicity Broughton (Principal, St Therese’s school), Fiona McKenna (St Peter's College), Bridget D’Costa (Parish Representative), Pracena Joseph (Parish Representative), David Krotwaar (Parish Representative), Ricky Hughes (Parish Representative), Dominic Rode (Youth), Tony Lupeamanu (Divine Mercy Group), Rodante Candido (Santo Nino Group), Fr. Prabhu and Fr. Antony.

Friday, 28 June 2024 14:43



Divine Kids Bible study classes



















To Register follow this link https://forms.gle/amhP1keXnVL3QDT17 


Diocesan Consultation Phase 2 begins in September.

In this phase we will be looking forward to the future of our Diocese.

Did you know that:

The Catholic population of the Diocese is 123,748
Catholics make up 18.2 per cent of the total population
The median age of Catholics is 43 years
The total number of Catholic families is 50,401
Catholics live alone 10,673
Catholics were born overseas 35,392

Launch VideoQRcodePrayer

Wednesday, 13 March 2024 18:16

Religious Education Classes

Religious Education Classes for children in Prep to Grade 6 attending non-Catholic Schools.
Wednesday 4.00pm to 5.00pm St Agatha's Parish Hall, during school terms.

Religious Education Class Enrolment Form


Religious Education Classes for children in Prep to Grade 6 attending non-Catholic Schools.
Wednesday 4.00pm to 5.00pm St Agatha's Parish Hall, during school terms.

Please let us know your name.

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(If you say YES for any of the Sacraments, please attach photocopies of certificates to this form before submitting online.) Please note that we always wait to sight a certificate before admitting a child to other Sacraments.

St. Agatha’s Parish, Cranbourne -  Parental/Guardian Consent Form 

I consent to my child attending the St Agatha's Youth Group

I further consent to a photograph or video image of my child being taken and used without acknowledgement, remuneration or compensation, in publications (print, websites, social media, DVDs, CDs, etc) and/or presentations of St Agatha’s Parish and the Catholic Diocese of Sale or its parishes. [Please write a message below if you do not permit your child to be photographed or videoed] 

In the event of any emergency and you are unable to communicate with me or my nominated emergency contacts, I consent to my child receiving such medical or surgical treatment (including the administration of an anaesthetic) by a registered medical practitioner as may be deemed necessary and I agree that any such treatment shall be at my expense. 

I have informed St Agatha’s Parish of any allergies or other medical conditions of my child. I shall make any necessary medication available in its original packaging placed in a bag/box clearly marked with my child’s name, dosage of medication, times of administration, manner of administration and whether the medication needs to be refrigerated. I or my nominee shall personally hand over such medication and instructions to the organisers. I shall ensure that such medication shall not have passed its expiry date.  

I hereby give my consent to the administration of such medication to my child as stated above. 

In the event that I am unable to pick up my child after the meetings, I shall inform the organisers of the identity of the person authorized to pick up my child.

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Note: by signing, you agree to bring your child to class once a week as well at bringing them to Mass at weekends. Mass times Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 7.30am, 9.00am 10.45am and 6.00pm.

$25 per child for the year*

This fee is different from the Sacrametal levy for any child you will be making their First Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation. If any family needs help with the annual fee, please let the office know. Lack of funds should not keep anyone away.

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Please let us know your email address.

Please let us know your message.




Monday, 09 September 2024 14:05

The Pope's Monthly Intentions



For pilgrims of hope

We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.

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15 Feb
First Reconciliation Commitment weekend
Date 15.02.25 6:00 pm - 16.02.25 6:00 pm
26 Feb
First Reconciliation Parent & Child Workshop
Date 26.02.25 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
26 Feb
First Reconciliation Parent & Child Workshop
Date 26.02.25 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm